Re-sliced Humans of AI - Season 2

We have collated answers from all guests to the same question. All thanks to the efforts of Varshini Subhash and Mukul Khanna! Check them out below.

1. What were you doing just before this call? video | audio

2. What is your daily routine like? video | audio

3. What is the favorite part of your day? video | audio

4. What is the least favorite part of your day? video | audio

5. Do you set an alarm in the morning? video | audio

6. Are you a planner? video | audio

7. Do you struggle with procrastination? video | audio

8. Do you struggle with time management? video | audio

9. Are you competitive? video | audio

10. Is there a rejection or failure that hurt particularly bad? video | audio

11. Is there an achievement or success that felt particularly good? video | audio

12. What is one thing you are worse at than people around you? video | audio

13 . What is your single biggest strength? video | audio

14. What is a favourite tool or hack that makes your life more convenient, efficient, or fun? video | audio

15. What is an external influence that left a deep impression on you? video | audio

16. How do you usually make difficult decisions? video | audio

17. Do you have an internal monologue? Are you a visual thinker? video | audio

18. What do you think about when not intentionally trying to think about something? video | audio

19. How do you recharge or take a break? video | audio

20. Are you happy with the number of close friends you have? video | audio

21. What are you insecure about? video | audio

22. Do you feel like an impostor? video | audio

23. Do you think you’re above, below, or average happy than people around you? video | audio

24. What is something surprising about you? video | audio

25. What is one thing about the world that surprises you? video | audio

26. What do you wish your brain was better at doing? video | audio

27. What do you strongly suspect but have no proof of? video | audio

28. What is something you’ve changed your mind about? video | audio

29. What is a bad habit you are working on overcoming? video | audio

30. What are you addicted to? video | audio

31. How do you imagine your retirement? video | audio

32. Do you think about the future much (on a 5-10 year scale)? video | audio

33. When do you think the world will open back up? video | audio

34. Do you think there is point to life or our existence? video | audio

35. What do you struggle with in life? video | audio


36. Pineapple on pizza? Yummy or an abomination? video | audio

37. How do you decide what to work on? video | audio

38. How do you capture and keep track of ideas? video | audio

39. What are some traits common across some of the best collaborators you’ve worked with? video | audio

40. Describe something that made you smile today. video | audio

41. What is some of the best advice you’ve gotten or given? video | audio

42. Why did you agree to do this interview with me? video | audio

43. Is there anything you’d like to talk about that we haven’t covered? video | audio